Brass and Copper
AE stocks Brass in hex and round bar, which can be manufactured and machined as per customer specification.
Brass applications
Shear tubes
Pins, nuts, bolts and washers
Coupling rubber bushes
Bushes and bearings
AE stocks Copper in rod, sheet and shim. Copper can be manufactured and machined as per customer specification, and can be silver plated if required.
Copper applications
Parts for switchgear and transformers
Earthing pins and candles
Copper busbars
Contact sets
Copper test plugs
Earthing switch contacts
Washers including annealed copper washers

Brass Bushes

Brass and Copper

Machined Brass

Copper Washers

Copper Trophy

Silver Plated Copper Flexibles

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MaterialsAndrew Boddy Designbusbar, cables, lockingtabs, sightandgaugeglasses, specialisedmetalcomponents, pressure gauges, Brassandcopper, Anti-Vibration